We will provide a safe environment for our members and community.
We will uphold the beliefs of being moral, ethical, loyal, and honest.
We are dedicated and well-trained individuals, united to better our community.
We deliver our services in a considerate, caring and sympathetic way.
We are dedicated, committed and accountable to each other and our community,
We hold others in high regard and are committed to being diverse, transparent, fair and equal.
We strive to meet the expectations of our community by providing services in a professional manner.
We proudly serve our community moving forward, while honoring fire service tradition.
Fire Chief Ron Fowler (704) 282-4702 rfowler@monroenc.org
Operations Deputy Chief Greg Collins (704) 282-4739 gcollins@monroenc.org
Administration Deputy Chief Bryan Kindley (704) 282-4740 bkindley@monroenc.org
Administrative Captain Graham McManus (704) 282-4795 gmcmanus@monroenc.org
Training and Safety Division Chief Nick Steffler (704) 282-4746 nsteffler@monroenc.org
Fire Marshal/Division Chief Kevin Philemon (704) 282-4706 kphilemon@monroenc.org
Assistant Fire Marshal/Captain Jason Easter (704) 282-4713 jeaster@monroenc.org
Assistant Fire Marshal/Captain Joe Uhl (704) 282-4741 juhl@monroenc.org
Assistant Fire Marshal/Captain/Fire & Life Safety Educator Katie Hinson (704) 282-4734 kahinson@monroenc.org
Administrative Assistant Alice Withers (704) 282-4726 awithers@monroenc.org
Fire Administration (704)-282-4726 117 North Church Street Monroe NC 28112
Battalion Chief A-Shift Johnny Blythe jblythe@monroenc.org
Battalion Chief B-Shift Rodney Chaney rchaney@monroenc.org
Battalion Chief C-Shift Travis Stegall tstegall@monroenc.org
Battalion Chief Direct Line 704-320-5456
Mailing Address Monroe Fire Department PO Box 69 Monroe, NC 28111
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