
What is the Adopt-a-Street Program?
Adopt-a-Street is a community-wide program that encourages citizens to help reduce litter. Participants agree to pick up litter from their adopted street at least four times per year. The City of Monroe will provide bags and vests. The City will also provide signs on your street in recognition of your litter-reduction efforts.

How Does the Program Work?

  • Participants must register with project coordinator for the Adopt-a-Street program by calling (704) 282-4565.
  • The project coordinator will designate the street(s) available for adoption.
  • Any local community organization, business, or individual less than 16 years old requires adult supervision.
  • The agreement form must be approved, signed and dated.
  • Large groups should be divided into teams of eight or fewer members.
  • All participants should review safety rules and guidelines.
  • The project coordinator will provide information on garbage disposal.
  • Participants are encouraged to recycle.
  • A street sign noting the program and the participant’s name will be posted in the area.

The project will be monitored by the project coordinator. After each cleanup, adopting groups must file a report detailing the number of people involved, number of bags of litter and recyclables, and hours involved.