Erosion Control

Land-disturbing activities are a major sign of a growing community. The City of Monroe has been delegated the authority of issuing grading permits for such activities on sites that are located within the jurisdictional limits of Monroe, including the City’s extraterritorial jurisdictional areas. Sites disturbing areas equal to or greater than 12,000 sq. ft. (commercial) or one acre (residential) must obtain a grading permit and post a bond.  A performance bond will not be required until after the bond estimate has been verified.  In accordance with the City of Monroe Ordinance 0-2011-12, the performance bond can be submitted in the form of a certified check, cash, or an irrevocable letter of credit.  Work must be completed, inspected, and approved by the Engineering Department before the performance bond can be released.  No plan will be approved until the performance bond has been received.  Alternatively, no erosion control plan is required for construction of single-family residential developments disturbing a total of one acre of land or less (Single Lot Residential ESC Installation and Maintenance Agreement) and commercial developments disturbing less than 12,000 square feet of land (NON-Residential ESC Installation and Maintenance Agreement); however, an ESC Installation and Maintenance Agreement is required.

Please use the link below to submit plans:
Upload Plans
Please contact the Permit Department about plan submittals at or 704-282-4524

Erosion and Sediment Control Items:

City of Monroe Fee Schedule Chapter VII Section 4
Erosion Control Plan Checklist 07.06.02.      
Erosion Control Financial Responsibility Form   
Primary Erosion Control Inspection Form
Final Erosion Control Acceptance Form
Intermediary Erosion Control Acceptance Form
Submittals should include an Erosion Control Bond Estimate, a Property Deed and a Landowner-Builder Agreement (if grading off-site)

Standard Specifications and Detail Manual: Front cover of Monroe's Standard Specifications and Detail Manual

City of Monroe Standard Specifications Manual

Additional Resources:

City of Monroe Chapter 158: Erosion Control-Code Ordinance 
North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources– Erosion and Sediment Control
US Army Corps of Engineers-Wilmington District
United States Environmental Protection Agency
International Erosion Control Association

NPDES requirements under the North Carolina General Permit NCG010000:  Construction Activities

NCG01 Self-Inspection, Recordkeeping and Reporting
NCG01 Self-Inspection & Monitoring Form   
Construction NPDES Stormwater General Permit NCG01 Permit   
Construction Stormwater:  Notice of Intent (NOI)
Construction NPDES Stormwater General Permit NCG01 Fact Sheet