Remove all clothing, diapers, jewelry, and metal from the burned area. These can hide underlying burns and retain heat, thereby increasing skin damage.
Treat a burn right away by putting it in cool water for three to five minutes. Cover with a clean, dry cloth. Do not apply creams, ointments, sprays, or other home remedies.
Go to your local emergency room, call 911, or see your doctor if the burn is:
(A) on the face, hands, feet, major joints, or genital area and/or bigger than the injured person’s palm
(B) white, tight, dry (leathery), or painless
(C) caused by chemicals or electricity
(D) causing difficulty breathing
See your doctor as soon as possible if the burn:
(A) does not heal in two to three days
(B) becomes foul smelling
(C) develops thick drainage, redness, or swelling
(D) causes a fever
(E) results in a large blister, wet weepy wound, and/ or severe pain.