Utility Billing

  Monroe Customer Service Building  



 The City of Monroe Utility Billing Division is committed to providing our customers with clear, accurate utility bills in a timely manner. We pledge to do this by constantly monitoring variances in consumptions, meter readings, and bill calculations and resolving any issues promptly. We are proud to maintain at least a consistent 99% level of accuracy.


The Billing Division issues over 19,000 bills each month in four billing cycles on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th. Your bill date is determined by your service location, and billing cycles are arranged to make our meter reading system as efficient as possible. If you fail to receive your bill on time, please contact our Customer Service Division at (704) 282-4511 immediately.


Why is my bill so high?

Your bill is determined by your actual usage and will vary due to circumstances such as changes in the weather, etc.

When is my bill due?

Your bill is due upon receipt but is not considered late unless you do not pay by the “Due Date” printed on your bill. If your payment is not received in our office on or before this date, a late charge will be added to your account.

I used the exact same amount of gas this month as last month. Why are the charges different?

The rate for natural gas is based on the current market, or what the City pays for the gas from our suppliers, and is subject to monthly changes due to changes in the market price.

I think I may have a water leak. How can I be sure without calling a plumber?

Turn off everything in your house that would use water. Make sure you don’t have any toilets filling up. Go out to your water meter box and lift the lid, if the water meter is still registering usage, you know you are losing water somewhere.

Do I have to pay sewer charges on the water I use to fill my swimming pool?

The City will adjust sewer charges on a customer’s account when they fill a swimming pool/hot tub only if the consumption is 10,000 gallons or more and if it is verified that the swimming pool drains and filter backwash does not discharge to the sewer system. A maximum of one adjustment per year is allowed. It is the customer’s responsibility to read the water meter before starting to fill the pool, read it again when finished filling, and call these readings in to the Customer Service Division. The amount of the calculated usage will be adjusted on the sewer charges.