

The City of Monroe has launched MonroeWorks, a new initiative designed to connect Monroe’s job-seekers with precision manufacturing firms and educate on hiring and training opportunities. 

MonroeWorks aims to create pathways for Monroe residents to find good-paying jobs and career growth opportunities by bringing awareness to the precision manufacturing sector in Monroe and job training programs currently available through community organizations. 

To support this work, the City has released a new website,, and an informational video explaining what they hope to accomplish. 








Mayor Robert Burns highlighted the importance of precision manufacturing in Monroe, home to one of the world’s largest titanium producers, one of the nation’s leading residential pipe manufacturers and more.

“Precision manufacturing is a major part of our local economy and presents real opportunities for Monroe residents to earn livable wages. MonroeWorks is designed to create pathways for both residents and employers,” said Burns. “We hope this program will empower our residents to explore new career paths in manufacturing and show our manufacturing firms one of Monroe’s greatest assets: Its people.”

The program is not focused solely on job-seekers; MonroeWorks also hopes to build a coalition of local manufacturing employers committed to professional development and on-the-job training.

About MonroeWorks

For employers looking to meet their hiring goals, MonroeWorks is here to help employers build relationships with state and local resources. Through the program, Monroe’s manufacturing employers can access information about hiring resources, job training and educational opportunities for its employees and key social services.  

“Our goal with MonroeWorks is to bridge the gap between our workforce, employers and community partners to help our residents and manufacturing employers reach their full potential,” said David Dotson, Monroe’s Mayor Pro-Tem. “By supporting our manufacturing sector, I believe we can help improve the overall quality of life for residents here in Monroe.”

About MonroeWorks

MonroeWorks is a result of Monroe’s participation in the Good Jobs, Great Cities Academy, where it was recognized as one of 16 Destination Cities by the National League of Cities (NLC) and U.S. Department of Labor (DOL).

The MonroeWorks Strategic Committee cohort members include: Mayor Robert Burns, Mayor Pro Tem David Dotson, Mark Watson, Monroe City Manager; Teresa Campo, Monroe Community Development Manager; Ron Mahle, Monroe Union County Economic Development Commission, Existing Industry Manager; Chris Rivera, South Piedmont Community College, Vice President of Business Solutions; and Laurie Garner, Centralina Workforce Development Board, Business Services Leader.

To learn more about MonroeWorks, visit

About Monroe & Good Jobs, Great Cities

The Good Jobs, Great Cities Academy is a new program from the NLC aimed at creating innovative and scalable city-supported workforce development initiatives that advance workforce development and skills training to prepare workers for industries such as infrastructure, clean energy and advanced manufacturing.

The City of Monroe is recognized as one of 16 jurisdictions nationally by the National League of Cities and the U.S. Department of Labor to participate in the Good Jobs, Great Cities Academy.

The City of Monroe was chosen through a competitive process in 2023 based on our precision manufacturers, infrastructure, academic partners, public-private partnerships, economic development, and the local community.