
City of Monroe State of Emergency

City of Monroe Mayor Robert Burns has consented to the application of Union County's State of Emergency Declaration within the City of Monroe effective at 5 p.m. August 7, and shall remain in effect until Union County's State of Emergency is modified or terminated. 

Read the City of Monroe Emergency Declaration (PDF) 

City Facilities Closed Thursday, August 8

The following City of Monroe facilities are closed on Thursday, August 8, 2024: 

Monroe Science Center
Dowd Center Theatre
Monroe Country Club
Monroe Aquatics and Fitness Center
Bazemore Active Adult Center
J. Ray Shute Community Center
Sutton Park Community Center
Winchester Community Center
Old Armory Community Center
Dickerson Community Center

All Parks and Recreation summer camps and programming are canceled for Thursday, August 8, including the Monroe Aquatics and Fitness Center Summer Camp and Dickerson Summer Camp. 

Union County's State of Emergency 

Union County has declared a state of emergency as Tropical Storm Debby approaches. The Emergency Operations Center has been activated to monitor and respond to the storm. Learn more about Union County's State of Emergency.

Monroe's Consent to State of Emergency 


WHEREAS, meteorologists are predicting that Tropical Storm Debby, or the remnants of that storm, will have an imminent major impact on weather conditions in Union County; and

WHEREAS, as a result of the above-described emergency I have determined that there is an imminent threat of, or existing conditions have caused or will cause, widespread or severe damage, injury, or loss of life or property; and

WHEREAS, Union County has declared a state of emergency; and

WHEREAS, the City of Monroe is located within Union County.

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority vested in me as the Mayor of the City of Monroe under Article lA of Chapter 166A of the North Carolina General Statutes and Chapter 37 of the Monroe Code of Ordinances:

Section 1. Pursuant to G.S. 166A-l 9.22(b)(2), the state of emergency declaration issued by Union County shall apply within the corporate limits of the City of Monroe.

Section 2. Emergency restrictions and prohibitions imposed pursuant to the County's state of emergency declaration shall apply within the City of Monroe unless otherwise declared by an authorized municipal official on behalf of the City of Monroe. In addition, the Monroe City Manager is authorized to take all acti0ns necessary to implement and carry out the provisions set out in Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6.ofthe Union County Declaration within the jurisdiction of the City of Monroe

Section 3. The application of the County's state of emergency declaration within the corporate limits of the City of Monroe shall remain in effect until Union County's State of Emergency is modified or terminated.

DECLARED this the 7th day of August 2024 at 5 p.m. 

Robert Burns