City of Monroe residents are asked to be aware of the ongoing and upcoming installation of fiber optic lines in parts of the City.
A private company, Ripple Fiber, has been installing fiber optic lines in the Camelot and Rolling Hills neighborhoods, and has plans to move toward Secrest Shortcut/Rocky River Road, including Myers Road, James Hamilton Road, Hamilton Place, Woodlands Creek, Redwood, and Founders Point. The fiber optic lines are being installed to provide internet service to these areas. Ripple Fiber will compete with other internet service providers in the area.
The installation process involves digging trenches or boring along right-of-ways and easements to place the necessary cables. This construction work may cause some disruption to your lawns and surroundings. Ripple Fiber is responsible for returning any damaged lawn to the condition it was in prior to the company’s construction activities. Should you have concerns regarding your property and any potential damage from the work being performed, you are encouraged to document (through photos or video) the potential impact areas prior to any construction.
This construction work is not being performed by the City of Monroe or any of its contractors.
If you experience any disruptions to your lawn or surroundings, you may contact Ripple Fiber by calling (800) 359-5767 or visit its website at