
Rocky River Elementary School receives their award

Seven City schools are being awarded for their achievement in the City of Monroe’s School Recycling Campaign.

The School Recycling Campaign allows City schools to earn money based on their recycling efforts throughout the school year.  

“This program is a great way to get kids involved in recycling and set good habits that will carry with them for the rest of their lives,” said Monroe’s Environmental Educator Ellen Dowling.

The following schools achieved the top-tier prize of $1,000:

  • Central Academy of Technology and Arts
  • Monroe High School
  • Union County Early College
  • Walter Bickett Elementary

The following school achieved the mid-tier prize of $500:

  • Monroe Middle School
  • Rocky River Elementary
  • Wolfe School

Central Academy receives their award

City officials provide free educational programs on recycling and waste reduction strategies. 

Recycling carts are inspected throughout the year to ensure they are used and contain primarily acceptable recyclable materials. 

Schools that achieved the top-tier award met these two criteria: consistently used their recycling carts and the contents consisted primarily of recyclable materials. Schools that achieved the mid-tier award met only one of the criteria. 

“The City of Monroe is proud to sponsor this campaign and would like to thank every school for their continued participation," said Monroe’s Environmental Educator Ellen Dowling.