
The cause of death has been released for K9 Kilo. Griffin Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory has determined the cause of death was Mesenteric Volvulus. The examiner provided the following explanation:

“A mesenteric volvulus occurs when the intestines twist around the root of the mesentery (tissue that holds the intestines to the abdominal wall). Vascular compromise ensues leading to necrosis of the intestines. As the intestinal mucosa is damaged, blood flows into the lumen of the intestines giving bacteria and endotoxins entrance into the abdominal cavity and systemic circulation leading to circulatory and cardiogenic shock.”

“Clinical signs of a mesenteric torsion include weakness, vomiting, abdominal pain, recumbency, bloody stool, and the rapid onset of shock. Abdominal radiographs will show small intestinal distention and loss of abdominal detail. Mortality rates are close to 100% even when caught early enough to provide treatment. The underlying cause for a mesenteric torsion remains unknown. German shepherds and German shorthair pointers are predisposed to this condition. Abnormal gastrointestinal motility secondary to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, inflammatory bowel disease, intussusceptions, gastric dilatation volvulus, and gastrointestinal foreign bodies may be risk factors in the development of a mesenteric torsion.”

A memorial service for K9 Kilo will be held in the near future. We will provide details for the service at a later date.

Chief Bryan Gilliard, Officer Burton and the entire Monroe Police Department would like to thank the community for the outpouring of support shown in the wake of this tragic situation.

The Monroe Police Department would also like to extend thanks, again, to Carolina Veterinary Specialists for the professional care and treatment provided, and to Griffin Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory for the respectful diagnostic treatment and timely handling of K9 Kilo’s necropsy.?


Feb. 10

The City of Monroe’s Police Department regretfully announces the unexpected passing of K9 Officer “Kilo." 

Kilo experienced medical problems at home last night and was immediately transported by Officer Bricesen Burton to Carolina Veterinary Specialists to receive medical attention.? While being treated by the veterinarians, Kilo suffered an unknown medical emergency that proved to be fatal. 

Monroe Police Officer Bricesen Burton with K9 Officer "Kilo"“We’re saddened by the tragic and sudden loss of a member of the Monroe Police Department. Please remember K9 Officer Burton, his family, the Monroe Police Department and the other K9 Officers in your thoughts and prayers as we mourn the loss of a family member,” Police Chief Bryan Gilliard, said.

Kilo was a German shepherd multi-purpose canine who assisted in drug detection, apprehension, security and other functions. He was a valued member of the Monroe PD Special Response Team (SRT). He was 1 year and 11 months old.

An autopsy will be performed to determine the cause of death.

Our thanks to Carolina Veterinary Specialists for the professional and courteous care they provided.