
On December 1, 2022, the General Services Committee will consider a proposal for a planning study update of the conversion of Franklin Street and Jefferson Street from one-way to two-way streets. 

The Committee will also consider recommending Budget Ordinance (BO-2022-13) which would transfer funding from the General Fund Balance Formally Assigned for Downtown Parking Lots/One-way Conversion Study Update to the newly created Capital Project Study One-way Conversion account for the amount of $379,501. 

The Committee will also consider awarding the contract to American Engineering for the planning, analysis, and future funding phase converting Franklin Street and Jefferson Street from one-way streets to two-way streets, updating the 2008 Ramey-Kemp Study. 

As stated in the Staff Report, Engineering Staff was directed by the General Services Committee to move forward with the conversion of Franklin Street and Jefferson Street to two-way streets in May 2019. A Request for Letters of Interest (LOI) was advertised on October 24, 2019. Three LOI’s were received on December 16, 2019. American Engineering was selected through a scoring and interview process to be the consultant, contingent upon Council’s approval.  The planning study update was postponed due to the uncertainty of the financial implications of COVID.

If the General Services Committee recommends approval, the proposal will be placed on the December 13, 2022 City Council consent agenda for approval by Council.

At this time, no funds have been appropriated toward the project. 

While some in the community have suggested that the General Services Committee’s actions on this item will lead to the City Council approving spending of $20,000,000.00 for the conversion of Franklin Street and Jefferson Street to two way streets, that is incorrect.  The City Council is being asked to authorize a study update to examine possible street conversion.  No vote on the actual conversion is being considered.  There will be no vote to spend $20 million dollars on the one-way street conversion. 

The General Services Committee members are Councilman Lynn Keziah (Chairman), Mayor Pro Tem Gary Anderson, and Councilwoman Julie Thompson.  The membership of this committee was determined by Mayor Holloway as it is a Mayoral Committee. 


UPDATE: By unanimous consensus, the item is not moving forward for Council consideration.