The Monroe City Council will have their regularly scheduled Regular Council Meeting at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 9, 2021.
The meeting will be conducted virtually with council following their adopted electronic meeting rules. The meeting will also be live-streamed on the city of Monroe YouTube channel at Monroe North Carolina Government -
In an effort to meet and comply with guidance for social distancing from North Carolina health professionals and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and mass gatherings, the City of Monroe is offering the public the opportunity to submit public comment for the March 9 Monroe City Council meeting. The City will not have in-person public comments or public attendance at the March 9 meeting.
Those wishing to submit a comment electronically can do so by following this link:
The form must be filled out completely in order to be part of the official record.
Residents without internet access or those who would like to drop off a comment can do so in person. There is a supply of forms and envelopes and a locked drop box outside Monroe City Hall, 300 West Crowell Street. Residents are asked to fill out the form completely and place any comment in the locked drop box.
Both the electronic forms and the handwritten forms must be submitted by 3 p.m. on March 8 in order to be part of the official record. As with all public comments, proper decorum is expected.
Comments submitted by 3 p.m. on March 8 will be provided to the Council at the March 9 meeting. The comments will also be made part of the official minutes of the meeting.
At the March 9, 2021 Meeting, City Council will conduct the following public hearings: 1.Purchase of Property, 108 N. Main Street; 2. Economic Development Incentive Grant.
There will also be forms and a drop box located outside City Hall for individuals to submit written comments. Written and electronic comments will be accepted throughMarch 10 at 6 p.m.