We can no longer MASK our excitement!
The Monroe Aquatics and Fitness Center is happy to announce our reopening on Monday, September 28, contingent upon adequate staff being secured and trained. We will operate at limited capacity following guidelines set forth by Executive Order #163, the NCDHHS and CDC. MAFC is keeping our members and staff at the forefront as we re-open.
Due to COVID, we’ve worked diligently to prepare with modified amenities and enhances cleaning protocols. However, due to the mandated reduced capacity, it will be necessary to limit usage to our active members. Please click here to review the member expectations and operating guidelines.
Monthly drafts will resume on October 1, taking into consideration time credit due to members from the March 2020 draft. For our annual paying members, the appropriate amount of time lost due to COVID-19 will be added to the length of your membership. Going forward, any changes you wish to make to your membership will follow normal procedures and require a 30-day change notice.
The success of our re-opening will largely be based on each of us doing our part in stopping the transmission of COVID-19. Help us keep MAFC safe and healthy!
For more information or clarification, please feel free to reach out to us at (704) 282-4680. Remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.