While these past few months have been difficult to say the least, the leadership and staff at the City of Monroe have continued to provide the high level of service our businesses and residents have grown accustomed to. We trust that you, your friends, neighbors, and family members are well.
While our methods of doing business have been modified, we are at a point where we are ready to re-open our doors and allow customers into many of our facilities.
Starting Monday, June 1, Monroe City Hall, Monroe Customer Service, the Monroe Country Club Pro Shop, and the Charlotte-Monroe Executive Airport terminal will all re-open and allow for in-person business.
When you arrive at these facilities, you will most likely see some differences from your last visit. Protective barriers are present in all face-to-face areas, and there are markers on the floor to help you adhere to the six-foot social distancing measures.
You will see City staff wearing protective masks. Staff is highly encouraging all visitors to wear masks as well per CDC guidelines. If a customer does not have a mask, City staff will provide one. If a customer refuses to wear a mask and six-foot social distance is not able to be achieved in the space provided, the business the customer has with staff will be scheduled to take place in a larger room where social distancing can be achieved.
City staff encourages guests to continue to use the electronic methods of payment and service as much as possible but understands that may not be feasible. Staff also encourages customers to practice proper hygiene, regular hand-washing, and good judgment when conducting business in person. Please be respectful of others and adhere to the policies that are put in place to protect both staff and customers.
At Monroe Customer Service, where utility payments are made, staff is still encouraging customers to use the drive-through and electronic payment methods. For those coming in person, staff will be limiting the number of customers in the building per the Governor’s order. A representative will be stationed outside to sign people in and help direct customers to the appropriate representative.
At City Hall, the receptionist will help direct those that need in-person assistance. The permit center has markings on the floor to help direct customers, and the number of people inside the area will be limited to comply with the Governor’s order. There are protective barriers at each permit station as well.
At the airport, the same protective barriers will be used, and the snack area seating will be limited. The pilots’ lounge will also remain closed at this time.
The Monroe Country Club pro shop will allow in-person sales and purchases.
Additional openings will be announced as decisions are made.