
2023 NC3C Award

The City of Monroe was recognized for winning an award at the North Carolina City & County Communicators (NC3C) Excellence In Communications Awards during its annual conference on May 4, 2023 in Wilmington, NC.  

The City won Second Place in the category Social Media: Single Post for its entry titled “Emotional Reunion: Monroe Firefighters Meet Woman They Saved.”

The December 2, 2022 post shows the emotional reunion between a Monroe woman who was trapped inside her burning apartment and the very firefighters who saved her life.

“Our firefighters described the reunion as a ‘once in a career’ moment that was spontaneous and splendid. We all felt it important to share this incredible story to build trust and confidence in the public safety services the City provides,” said Bradley Lucore, Monroe Communications Specialist. 

2023 NC3C Excellence In Communications Awards winners

Lucore accepted the award on behalf of the City of Monroe during the 2023 Awards program which included 27 awards in six categories: print, video, digital technology, social media, general composition, and other.

“I am extremely proud of our City’s Communications Office for their outstanding work and dedication in keeping our citizens informed and engaged. Earning a win in this statewide competition is a testament to their commitment to excellence and innovation. Congratulations to the team on this well-deserved recognition!” said Mark Watson, Monroe City Manager. 


The Social Media award category is described as a single post on any recognized social media platform that demonstrates significant engagement as compared to the site’s average post engagement within the year.

The City’s post had the highest organic reach of the City’s official Facebook page for the entire year of 2022. It was also shared by WBTV, WCCB Charlotte and the Enquirer Journal.



NC3C is a member organization for City and County communications professionals across North Carolina to exchange information and ideas, encourage professional career development and training, and promote the necessity of the public information and communication functions in local government.

The Excellence in Communications Awards recognize great local government communicators and foster achievement among members by showcasing top-level work. The awards are presented each spring at the annual conference. First and Second place are given to the top two highest scores. An entry isn’t guaranteed a win just because it may be the only entry in a category.