
The City of Monroe Construction Division will be replacing approximately 1,690 linear feet of existing 12-inch steel water main along W. Crowell Street between N. Charlotte Avenue and N. Johnson Street. Crews will also add a new 2-inch FPVC approximately 263 linear feet along N. College Street between W. Crowell Street and W. Jefferson Street.

W Crowell St Water Resources Project map

Construction activities are scheduled to begin on or around Monday, April 17 and are anticipated to conclude by Friday, June 30.

The improvements will enhance water service to customers in this area.

Temporary road closures may be necessary within the project limits with the exception to local residents and businesses. Emergency service vehicle access will be provided at all times. 

Water Resources crews begin staging for a project on W. Crowell St

Normal collection of garbage and residential/commercial deliveries will be provided access.

There may be a short term interruption to water service during construction of the new water main, and the Water Resources Department will make every effort to notify customers in advance. 

All damaged/disturbed items will be restored or replaced at the end of the project.

We apologize in advance for any inconveniences experienced during our construction.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the City of Monroe Water Resources Department at (704) 282-4601.