UPDATE (8/31/2023): The scheduled completion date is now September 28, 2023.
UPDATE: The parking lot at the corner of Franklin St. and Church St. will remain open until Monday, March 6. Crews will begin staging for the project in the adjacent lot on Wednesday, March 1.
The Monroe Science Center-Public Parking Lot Improvements Project will begin on March 1. This project requires the closure of the current public parking lot at Franklin St. and Church St.
During this time, the dumpsters located at the corner of Franklin St. and Church St. will be relocated across the street behind the building at 309 E. Franklin St. on Feb. 28 for Downtown businesses to have access to dispose of their trash and recycling.
Alternative public parking lots and additional on street parking* is available throughout Downtown Monroe at the following locations:
- The corner of Jefferson Street and Depot Street
- The corner of N. Church Street and E. Crowell Street
- The corner of E. Crowell Street and N. Hayne Street
- Between N. Church Street and Charlotte Avenue – across from the Union County government building
- The corner of W. Jefferson Street and Charlotte Avenue at City Hall*
- The corner of W. Franklin Street and N. Stewart Street
- At the junction of W. Morgan Street and N. Stewart Street
- The corner of N. Hayne Street and E. Morgan Street
- The corner of Main Street and Talleyrand Ave.
- The Union County Library lot off E. Windsor Street
*Timed parking locations. Please pay attention to signage.
Once completed, the Monroe Science Center-Public Parking Lot Improvements Project will create more than 200 parking spaces for residents and visitors. The project is expected to be completed by July 28.
For questions about the project please call the Engineering Department at (704) 282-4532 or the Downtown Department at (704) 282-1705 Ext. 6040.