
The City of Monroe will complete the annual drinking water treatment process change using chlorine on March 31 and will convert back to the practice of “chloramination” to disinfect the drinking water. Because of the change to chlorine during the month of March, customers may have noticed a slightly different taste and odor to their water. Some discoloration of the water may have also occurred since fire hydrants are flushed during the treatment change. As part of the operating permit issued by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Monroe must revert to using only chlorine once per year to ensure good overall water quality in the water distribution piping systems. The City of Monroe coordinates with surrounding systems during this conversion.

The City’s program to ensure quality drinking water to customers is much broader than just the annual chlorine process change. Water delivered to customers must go through a rigorous treatment and sampling process and exceed all federal and state standards before it can be served to the public. By law, the City must also provide an annual report card on drinking water quality and send it to all water customers. The most recent report can be found on the City’s website at The important message to Monroe water customers is that their drinking water is safe to drink at all times.

Any customers or citizens needing additional information about this program, or anyone interested in touring the City’s John Glen Water Treatment Plant to see how the drinking water for Monroe is treated, can call the City of Monroe Water Resources Department at (704) 282-4601 or read more information on the City website at