
Union County Critical Intersection Program Information

Poplin Road at Unionville Indian Trail Road information:

In 2014, Union County determined it needed a list of high priority intersections to focus efforts with its municipalities and the NCDOT when responding to project solicitations for funding. Union County does not own or maintain roads, but through planning and growth management it wants to help provide a safe and efficient road network. In 2016, the county adopted a Critical Intersection Analysis, which identified a series of intersections throughout the county that would be competitive for funding through NCDOT or Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO). There are over two dozen funded intersection improvements throughout the county, so an additional benefit of this process is letting the community know about all the transportation improvements scheduled for the near future.

In 2019, Union County updated its list of priority intersections. The county received thousands of public comments during the public input process. The stakeholder committee evaluated the input, as well as additional crash history information for the highest scoring intersections, to determine which projects should be considered in the process. The final list of 15 intersections is based on this public input and technical analysis of the intersections and was adopted by Union County as its priority for future grant applications and advocacy.

Since then, Union County received two grants to develop designs and cost estimates for 11 of the 15 intersections. The first grant was completed in July 2020 and resulted in preferred designs for six of the 15 locations. You can review the study results here.

The second group of five intersections is currently being evaluated for designs and cost estimates, with work expected to be complete by mid-2021.